Katey Cooper


Arizona State University

Topics: How biology learning environments, such as undergraduate research experiences and active learning classrooms, affect student anxiety and depression.

Availability: Winter/ Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021, After Fall 2021


Katelyn is an assistant professor in the School of Life Sciences and a core faculty member in the Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center at Arizona State University. Her research aims to further understand how to create a more diverse and inclusive scientific community. Specifically, her lab focuses on how biology learning environments, such as active learning classrooms and undergraduate research experiences, affect student with different social identities including LGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, and students with anxiety and depression. You can read more about her lab here: https://katelyncooper1.wixsite.com/bioedlab

Relevant Published Work

Sept 2016

Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Coming out in class: Challenges and benefits of active learning in a biology classroom for LGBTQIA students. CBE Life Sciences Education.

June 2018

Cooper KM, Downing V, Brownell SE. The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in large-enrollment college science classrooms. International Journal of STEM Education.

Feb 2020

Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Student anxiety and fear of negative evaluation in active learning science classrooms. Chapter in book: Active learning in college science, the case for evidence-based practice. Springer Nature.

May 2020

Downing VR#, Cooper KM#, Cala JM, Gin LE, Brownell SE. Fear of negative evaluation and student Fear of negative evaluation and student anxiety in community college active learning science courses. CBE Life Sciences Education.

May 2020

Cooper KM#, Gin LE#, Barnes ME, Brownell SE. An exploratory study of students with depression in undergraduate research experiences. CBE Life Sciences Education.

June 2020

Cooper KM, Gin LE, Brownell SE. Depression as a concealable stigmatized identity: What influences whether students conceal or reveal their depression in undergraduate research experiences? International Journal of STEM Education.

July 2020

Cooper KM#, Auerbach AJ, Bader JD, Beadles-Bohling AS, Brashears JA, Cline E, Eddy SE, Elliott DB, Farley E, Fuselier L, Heinz HM, Irving M, Josek T, Lane AK, Lo SM, Maloy J, Nugent M, Offerdahl E, Palacios-Moreno J, Ramos J, Reid JW, Sparks RA, Waring AL, Gormally C#, Brownell SE#. Fourteen recommendations to create a more inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals in academic biology. CBE Life Sciences Education. 

Updated 1/6/2021