
The Measurement Working Group is supporting 6 Fellows this summer to work on data analytics applied to questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in STEM courses. The goals of the fellowship are to advance collaborative analyses of quantitative data that can meaningfully improve DEI in large, introductory courses as well as to support the participation of early-career scholars. Meet our Measurement Fellows below!

Sarah castle

Third Year PhD Candidate in Mathematics Education at msu

  • Project Title: Equity in the STEM Landscape: A Multi-institutional Approach to Mapping Systemic Advantages Within STEM Courses
  • Fellowship Work: “As a fellow I will be focusing on continuing work that was presented at AERA, which focused on how systemic advantages manifested within student grade penalties. My goal for the summer is to work on an intersectional approach to our data analysis and aid in the publication of the amazing work that my colleagues are doing.”
  • Summer Hobbies: I absolutely love camping and I am excited to explore more of Michigan this summer! I also love gardening and so my balcony is being turned into an urban garden.

Victoria farrar

Phd candidate in neurobiology, physiology, and behavior at uc davis

  • Project Title: Persistent Equity Gaps in Upper Division Biology Courses
  • Fellowship Work: “As a SEISMIC Measurements fellow, I will be expanding analyses done on observed equity gaps in upper-division human physiology to examine if these patterns are observed in other upper-division biology courses and across SEISMIC institutions. The goal of this project is to understand how equity gaps associated with demographic factors persist throughout the major and how they compare with equity gaps observed in introductory courses.”
  • Summer Hobbies: Hiking with my dog, swimming in the local creek in Davis.

hye rin lee

Third Year PhD Student at uc irvine

  • Project Title: A Closer Look at Students’ Introductory STEM Courses Across Universities
  • Fellowship Work: “Examine STEM pathways for students who fails and retakes a course across universities and understand its relation to motivation.”
  • Summer Hobbies: I like to go to the beach, fly my drone, and try new food places.

Tanner Phillips

fourth year PhD student in the Instructional Systems Technology program at Iu

  • Project Title: Identifying experiential patterns related to dropout and failure of underrepresented students via learning management systems trace data
  • Fellowship Work: “I will be compiling, analyzing, and writing up results for a study of student failure and dropout of chemistry courses at Indiana University. This study utilizes Canvas LMS data to determine if patterns in online class interaction can help explain dropout and persistence in STEM courses.”
  • Summer Hobbies: Spending time outside with my baby and two-year-old, trying to run off my baby weight, and building a top-down RPG with Python.

lauren snow

first year phd student in education at uc irvine

  • Project Title: COMPASS Data Dashboard Project
  • Fellowship Work: “As this project is just getting off the ground, we are working on descriptive data to determine how professors are using student information from the data dashboard platform called COMPASS. As higher education institutions deliver more student data to professors we are curious to understand how professors understand and use this information as it relates to diversity and equity.”
  • Summer Hobbies: Surfing 🙂

Angel Sylvester

second year phd student in ai/robotics at umn

  • Project Title: Impact of Classroom Composition on Student Outcomes (Group #3)
  • Fellowship Work: “I will be working with this SEISMIC project to integrate data collected from the University of Minnesota with other participating institutions. In addition, I hope to investigate the threshold of representation for “first courses” (courses taken in the second year) across different institutions, determining its impact on the academic outcomes of students in those courses”
  • Summer Hobbies: I love hiking, roller skating, and reading out in the sun.