



This page is all about our Collaboration Council (aka the CoCo)! The purpose of the Collaboration Council (CoCo) is to uphold the SEISMIC Principles of Operation, promote communication and coordination across the Working Groups, provide accountability for the Working Groups, and ensure appropriate connections are being made to SEISMIC campus teams. The Collaboration Council (CoCo) has one representative from each Working Group and two SEISMIC members at-large to represent institutional interests, for a total of 6 members. This Council guides the activities of the collaboration. 

To read more about the structure and formation, visit our Equity and Transparency page!

CoCo Members



Ellie Louson


Michigan State University


Margarita Safronova


UC Santa Barbara



Madeleine Gonin


Indiana University



Nate Emery


UC Santa Barbara


Matthew Mahavongtrakul


UC Irvine


Ashley Atkinson


Constructs Working Group Representative

University of Michigan

Backlog of CoCo Updates


September 2024

CoCo’s Summary from September 2024 Meeting:

For the month of September, the CoCo discussed a new funding request. We also clarified the roles of SEISMIC Central within the collaboration and how funding procedures should apply to them. At this point, the CoCo has awarded the majority of the remaining funds, and the funding request form is now closed. The CoCo is continuing to plan for the 2024 POD Network Conference SEISMIC meet-up.


August 2024

CoCo’s Summary from August 2024 Meeting:

This month, the CoCo reviewed four funding requests, approving three and sending one back for revisions. We also began to think about what our Pre-POD Meet-Up should look like. Be sure to fill out our interest form if you are considering joining us on Sunday, November 10th!


July 2024

CoCo’s Summary from July 2024 Meeting:

During our meeting, the CoCo continued to discuss the SEISMIC Pre-POD Meet-Up, reviewing the Collaboration’s two accepted proposals as well as the interest form advertised in last month’s newsletter. We determined that we would add a new section to our Funding Request Form for participants requesting support for travel/conferences. We were also able to review a funding request. At our next meeting, we will determine our plans for managing the remainder of SEISMIC’s budget.


June 2024

CoCo’s Summary from June 2024 Meeting:

The CoCo reviewed recent funding requests and made some changes to their review process to streamline reviewing and awarding funds. The CoCo also brainstormed ideas for an in-person SEISMIC event this fall. The CoCo is leaning towards hosting a meet up at the POD Network conference and will gauge interest in this through a form in the next monthly newsletter. Other updates shared during this meeting included information on available SELC funds, information on a recent SEISMIC presentation to the Sloan Foundation, and reflections on SEISMIC-related meetings during the recent BTAA Teaching Center Directors Meeting.


May 2024

CoCo’s Summary from May 2024 Meeting:

At this month’s meeting, we discussed our first set of funding requests. After realizing we needed more information than we originally asked for, we have revised our funding request form. We also developed additional protocols for our review and voting process. Finally, we have also decided to create a poster for the SEISMIC Action for STEM Department Transformation conference.


April 2024

CoCo’s Summary from April 2024 Meeting:

This was the first meeting of our April-December 2024 CoCo! To ensure we hit the ground running, we reviewed the proceedings and recommendations from the previous CoCo and discussed our objectives for the remainder of SEISMIC. We also established group norms, communication channels, and voting procedures to help us collaborate effectively. Going forward, we will be creating a funding request form to allow SEISMIC participants to request project support.


March 2024

CoCo’s Summary from March 2024 Meeting:

During our March 2024 meeting, the CoCo worked to detail a priority protocol for allocating the remainder of SEISMIC’s funds. This is meant to ensure resources are distributed effectively to support impactful activities. When the funding request process is shared with the full collaboration in May, the CoCo will make decisions based on this protocol. Additionally, to support the April-December 2024 CoCo, we created a document with our proceedings and recommendations as members of the CoCo. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve SEISMIC in this way and we are sending our best wishes to the upcoming cohort.


February 2024

CoCo’s Summary from February 2024 Meeting:

At our February 2024 meeting, the CoCo reviewed applications for the UC Irvine Project Retreat and determined which teams will receive support to attend. We also discussed making a more general application for requesting funding for SEISMIC-related work. Finally, we are in the process of identifying the next CoCo cohort that begins in April and will work to “pass the torch” to them.


January 2024

CoCo’s Summary from January 2024 Meeting:

During our January 2024 meeting, the CoCo determined the dates for the UC Irvine Project Retreat (March 11 – March 15) and created an application for project teams to submit (due February 5th). After applications are due, the CoCo will review them to determine which project teams will receive travel funding. We aim to release decisions by February 12th.


December 2023

CoCo’s Summary from December 2023 Meeting:

For our December meeting, the CoCo discussed multiple upcoming tasks and next steps for SEISMIC. First, we are working with SEISMIC Central to help provide feedback on the NASEM report. We arranged for two meetings to take place where SEISMIC members can share their thoughts on the report and will be reviewing the report ourselves. We also discussed the future of the CoCo and decided our current team will serve through March of 2024, at which point the next set of CoCo members will be determined from applications. Finally, we reviewed the results of the November Newsletter’s poll regarding how to use SEISMIC’s remaining funds and have decided we will be providing funding and support for project teams to meet in person at 2-3 different institutions. We plan for one of these SEISMIC work retreats to happen in the Spring and one in the Fall. Additionally, project teams can request funds for standalone in-person meetings. SEISMIC Central will be sharing applications and more information soon.


November 2023

CoCo’s Summary from November 2023 Meeting:

The Sloan Foundation has granted us a no-cost extension through December 2024 and the CoCo held a discussion about ways to spend the remaining funds. The Collaboration will receive a survey for feedback regarding this matter. Nita and Tim will have a meeting with Sloan in early January to discuss the potential of SEISMIC 2.0. The CoCo also discussed potential ways for other institutions to be part of SEISMIC 2.0 and what the involvement of current CoCo members could look like beyond December 2023, during this transition period.


October 2023

CoCo’s Summary from October 2023 Meeting:

For CoCo’s October Meeting we discussed the next steps for SEISMIC as SEISMIC 1.0 comes to an end. SEISMIC Central submitted a short summary to Sloan along with the request to extend the timeline for spending existing SEISMIC funds. There is a chunk of money remaining that may have to be spent by the end of December 2023; however, the hope is that the extension will allow the SEISMIC Central personnel (specifically program manager and project assistant) to be funded through summer 2024. If the extension is not granted then the CoCo discussed having a final meeting and working retreat during the beginning of December to develop materials, share out, engage in grant writing, or other tasks to help wrap up SEISMIC 1.0 and put us in a good position for SEISMIC 2.0.


September 2023

CoCo’s Summary from September 2023 Meeting:

For the CoCo’s September meeting, we discussed progress towards establishing a transitional SEISMIC leadership team and ongoing work to extend the original SEISMIC proposal. In addition, we reviewed some responses from the Working Group leadership about the status of their current efforts and what they envision SEISMIC 2.0 to look like. Finally, we reviewed feedback from the 2023 Summer Meeting to evaluate what participants want to see as public outputs of the SEISMIC Project. Going forward, the CoCo will prepare a survey to learn more about what the community would like to see and gauge who would be interested in collaborating on these outputs.


August 2023

CoCo’s Summary from August 2023 Meeting:

During our August CoCo meeting, we continued to discuss the plans for wrapping up SEISMIC 1.0 and determined next steps for building SEISMIC 2.0. The CoCo will meet with SEISMIC leaders who have indicated that they want to guide SEISMIC 2.0 planning to review possible funding sources, especially those that will enable us to bring in new collaborators from different types of institutions. CoCo members will be reaching out to Working Groups to help summarize accomplishments from the past 5 years and determine whether they want to continue working together and what they might need for future collaborations. The CoCo plans to share more details about SEISMIC 2.0 in the December newsletter and through a presentation early in 2024.


July 2023

CoCo’s Summary from July 2023 Meeting:

During our July CoCo meeting, we reviewed the feedback we received from the 2023 SEISMIC Summer Meeting, including Jamboard responses, survey responses, and interview responses. After identifying themes that represent what participants value most about the SEISMIC Collaboration, we began looking toward the end of SEISMIC 1.0 and a potential SEISMIC 2.0. We developed a few concrete steps we as the CoCo can take to create momentum for the future of the collaboration and hope to have updates at our next meeting.


June 2023

CoCo’s Summary from June 2023 Meeting:

The CoCo worked on developing the presentation as well as designing the reflection time activities that we will engage in during the opening and closing sessions of the Summer Meeting. We designated moderators and facilitators for the activities. We also arranged our next working session during the meeting and planned a meeting to discuss future funding opportunities for SEISMIC. Lastly, we shared the rules of interaction that will be upheld during the future CoCo meetings.


May 2023

CoCo’s Summary from May 2023 Meeting:

This was the first CoCo meeting for members of the April 2023 – December 2023 term. With two new members and four returning members, we dedicated time to introductions and establishing meeting structures. After this, we spent time discussing what the CoCo has accomplished in the past and previous ongoing responsibilities. We also brainstormed what our current and future goals should be. Between this meeting and the next, we will be generating ideas for what the CoCo should present for the 2023 Annual Summer Meeting.


March 2023

CoCo’s Summary from March 2023 Meeting:
  • Discussed CoCo membership for upcoming term (April – December 2023)
  • Planned for Summer Meeting data collection and presentation
  • Shared update on SEISMIC 2.0 plans


February 2023

CoCo’s Summary from February 2023 Meeting:

The CoCo discussed a number of items today. First, we discussed the SEISMIC summer meeting. We received a number of proposals but a majority of them were from the “Experiments” group. Given that, we will request that folks (particularly from other working groups) present a poster. Ashley will send out acceptance letters this week. We will also create a google form for folks to complete if they are requesting funds to attend the Summer meeting. We also discussed the future of SEISMIC. The SEISMIC 1.0 cycle of funding is coming to an end in December 2023, we will continue to have discussions about SEISMIC 2.0. We also discussed the current state of the Administrative Liaison Council. We ran into a few obstacles developing this Council. Moving forward, we will instead appoint a few folks that we would have reached out to for the ALC to provide feedback for SEISMIC 2.0 ideas. Lastly, we discussed the future of the CoCo. The current CoCo tenure ends in March and so Nita will advertise in the next newsletter about becoming part of the CoCo.


January 2023

CoCo’s Summary from January 2023 Meeting:
  1. Discussed upcoming tasks for SEISMIC Summer Meeting, available budget, and brainstormed ideas for contributed presentations and workshops.
  2. Checked for new submissions for the grievance form and new institutions form and any requests for letter for support for grants.
  3. Reviewed available Working Group funds and made plan to connect with Working Groups who still have funds.


December 2022

CoCo’s Summary from December 2022 Meeting:
  1. We thoroughly discussed and finalized a process for addressing grievances.
  2. We finalized a process to write a summary of the CoCo meetings to share with the collaboration to hold the CoCo accountable to the collaboration.
  3. Our next meeting will take place in January. Specific date TBD


September 2022

SEISMIC is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful community where everyone can thrive and do their best work (see SEISMIC’s task force definitions for DEI as guide). In response to member feedback, the SEISMIC Collaboration Council (CoCo) has developed a reporting system for individuals to safely report negative interactions or incidents within the collaboration that can be addressed in order to create this welcoming space.

The CoCo hopes in creating this system to provide space and resources to support impacted parties, redress the harmful situation, promote education and dialogue, and affirm the collaboration’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Click here to view the reporting system.

Previous CoCo Members



Lalo Gonzalez

UC Santa Barbara


Emily Bonem

Purdue University


Sabrina Solanki

UC Irvine


Sarah Castle

Michigan State University


Ryan Sweeder

Michigan State University


Marco Molinaro

UC Davis



Brian Sato

UC Irvine


Linda Adler-Kassner

UC Santa Barbara


Tim McKay

University of Michigan



Sehoya Cotner

University of Minnesota



Chandralekha Singh

University of Pittsburgh


Martha Oakley

Indiana University



Michael Dennin

UC Irvine


Margarita Safronova

UC Santa Barbara


Sara Brownell

Arizona State University


Dennis Groth

Indiana University


Becky Matz

Michigan State University


Chantal Levesque-Bristol

Purdue University


Nikeetha Farfan D’Souza

Indiana University


Abdi Warfa

University of Minnesota